Business Strategies

Adhere To These 8 Tips To Stay Productive 24*7


Every day, we prepare a to-do-list, but the very next day, we find ourselves sitting in a corner; lacking motivation to work. We find it hard to manage our time and carry out every task efficiently that’s mentioned in the list. We wish to be productive but find ourselves in the lack of techniques: how to actually do it? 

This is a fact that in life we have unlimited distractions and find it hard to accomplish each task in a go. We struggle with ourselves to understand the concept of productivity and simply feel guilty about the inability to do nothing about it. But it’s something that we can do every day. Why not try some simple ricks that will help us to stay productive 24/7. 

    1. Wake up 15 minutes earlier:
      Everyone finds their sleep precious and find it hard to abandon it. So, start doing it slow. From tomorrow, start waking up 15 minutes earlier. Next week, go for another 15 minutes and so on.
      By waking up earlier, you can give some extra time to your mind and plan your day with better and quantitative routine. Also, you can get nutritious time to accomplish your tasks. 
    2. Don’t check your e-mails before you start working:
      Don’t check your e-mails just after you wake up. This will definitely effect your productivity. Instead of waking up fresh, you will keep on thinking that what to reply, total work you have to do, and how you will manage all your tasks. Such planning consumes your whole day and you remain unproductive.
      Devote your early hours only to yourself. Let your mornings be your “me- time”. Let it be like this- you directly go your office, have a cup of coffee and start working. Complete all of your tasks one by one.
      “I try to schedule most phone calls and meetings after 2 p.m. so I can devote the first half of my day to proactive, value-adding activities. I try to complete a task I’ve been avoiding first thing—[Brian Tracy’s] “Eat That Frog” technique—and rely on other rituals throughout the day, like creating a HIT (high-impact tasks) list. Last, I make sure to schedule mental check-ins—like walks or gym breaks—to avoid fatigue.”
      —Andrew Josuweit, founder and CEO, Student Loan Hero


  • Have someone to keep a check on you:
    It’s believed that you tend to work harder and efficiently when there’s someone who keeps a check on your work. It’s good if you have a manager or a boss who can keep you focused and set deadlines for you. In case of you are self-employed; you can be your own manager. There are a lot of online applications that help you with this.
    I rely on my two favourite apps, Calendly and, to keep my day organized, set meetings, reorganize projects and stay ahead of deadlines. I also like to go walking or hiking to clear my mind.
    —Aihui Ong, CEO, Love With Food
  • Avoid multi-tasking:
    My experience says, multi-tasking will make you less productive. You just can’t do multiple things at a time. This ends up the quality and efficiency of your work. When your mind is stable and in one particular direction, you will obtain quality work in less time. You will become focused, clear-headed and determined.
    “My time management changed when I began focusing on “one thing.” At the start of the day, I focus on the most important task at hand. I do not let other issues creep into my schedule until that task is complete. Once it is, I move on to the next most important task, and so forth. This eliminates the desire to multitask and, in turn, spread yourself too thin.”
    Colbey Pfund, LFNT Distribution
  • Prioritize your important tasks:
    This is an addition to your fourth point. Instead of multi-tasking, prioritize the important and urgent tasks. This will help you to avoid the need of multi-tasking.
    “Prioritizing tasks based on the goals and objectives of the company helps me gauge how much time should be allocated to projects and tasks, as well as what can wait. I also surround myself with talented team members and play to their strengths in handling the heavy workload.”
    —Carol DeNembo, vice president of marketing, Juice it Up!


  1.  Track the time taken:
    Time is like money. Just like you have a budget for your expenditure, you should keep a track of your time consumed to do a particular task. It’s the best way to introduce improvements in you. You can use time tracker apps for the same. This helps you to keep a track of every minute of your day. 
  2. Take productive breaks:
    After working for long, taking a break for yourself is genuine. Time to time breaks help you to be productive and avoid fatigue You can plan to take a 5 minutes break after every one hour. But for that one of work, you should have complete focus over it.
    “I honor my process; if I need a break, I take one. Productivity is really about making an impact and getting things done. If you overextend yourself, it might be really hard to catch up. The 15 minutes of rest that you keep ignoring throughout the day might turn into a seven-day illness from exhaustion. My advice is always to stay focused and, if not, honor a break and then get back on track afterward.”
    —Samira Far, founder, Bellacures
  3. Delegate your work:
    One man army is not sufficient when there’s a pile of work waiting for you. It’s good if you delegate your work to different people. This will help you to allocate your resources in a productive way. Also, it will help you achieve effective results as the person doing it will give his quality time and specialised efforts.
    “I learned from my experience that the entrepreneur’s to-do list will never end. You can prioritize your tasks, focus on more important things or set off the time for something particular, but at the end of the day, things just have to be done. Unless you find a way to clone yourself, you need to develop trust for other people who can perform those tasks better, faster and cheaper than you.”
    Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS

Concluding Points:

Plan a to-do-list, follow it and keep a track of it.
Divide your family and work time.
Schedule your work.
Check your e-mail not more than twice a day.
Delegate your work
Refresh your body by taking productive breaks.
Take full advantage of morning and evening breeze to relax your mind.
Be passionate about what you are doing.


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