In the heart of Bangalore, Alluring Lens Studios stands as a beacon for those seeking to capture the most precious moments of their...
CEO India EditorJuly 23, 2024In the coastal town of Kundapura, Karnataka, a young architect named Ashray Shetty dared to dream big. In 2022, at the age of...
CEO India EditorJuly 22, 2024Azeem S. Memon’s journey from an ambitious young man to a successful entrepreneur in the hospitality industry is a story of vision, determination,...
CEO India EditorJuly 22, 2024In August 2009, H. Prakash Vaidyanathan founded F3 Designs (, a testament to his unwavering vision and passion for architecture nurtured from a...
CEO India EditorJuly 18, 2024Bivan Choudhury’s name stands tall in the world of luxury hospitality. As the Founder and Chairman of Ilara Hotels and Spa, he has...
CEO India EditorJuly 15, 2024MD Vanjani, a seasoned professional with over 45 years of global business experience, embarked on a transformative journey in 2014 by founding SPBC...
CEO India EditorJuly 8, 2024Rashid Khan’s fascination with architecture began in his early school days, inspired by the iconic buildings of Marine Drive. These structures, with their...
CEO India EditorJuly 8, 2024Shivani was keenly aware of how environments affect our well-being and emotions. She believes that space is not just a physical entity but...
CEO India EditorJuly 8, 2024In the heart of Coorg, amidst the mist-clad hills and verdant valleys, lies Evergreen County—a testament to my journey as an entrepreneur and...
CEO India EditorJuly 4, 2024In the bustling city of New Delhi, Metricchant Design Attributes Pvt. Ltd. (MDAPL) stands as a beacon of innovative and sustainable design. Founded...
CEO India EditorJuly 4, 2024