Vinod Khosla is a prominent Indian-American billionaire businessman and venture capitalist, renowned for his influential role in shaping the technology landscape through strategic...
CEO India EditorOctober 25, 2024Zomato, founded by Deepinder Goyal in 2010, has undergone a remarkable transformation from a simple platform for restaurant reviews to a dominant force...
CEO India EditorOctober 24, 2024Jitendra Virwani stands as a prominent figure in the Indian real estate sector, serving as the Chairman and Managing Director of Embassy Property...
CEO India EditorOctober 23, 2024In the realm of telecommunications, few names resonate as strongly as Bharti Airtel, founded by telecom tycoon Sunil Mittal. Established in 1995, Bharti...
CEO India EditorOctober 2, 2024Renuka Jagtiani, the chairwoman of Landmark Group, stands as a prominent figure in the Middle Eastern retail sector. Based in Dubai, Landmark Group...
CEO India EditorSeptember 4, 2024Leena Tewari stands as a formidable figure in India’s pharmaceutical industry, holding the title of the third wealthiest woman in the country. Despite...
CEO India EditorSeptember 3, 2024Sridhar Vembu, the founder and CEO of Zoho Corporation, stands as a prominent figure in the tech industry, renowned for his innovative approach...
CEO India EditorSeptember 2, 2024In the complex world of pharmaceuticals, few stories are as compelling as that of the Singh family and their enduring influence on Alkem...
CEO India EditorAugust 31, 2024N.R. Narayana Murthy, the legendary cofounder and retired chairman of Infosys, stands as a towering figure in the world of technology and entrepreneurship....
CEO India EditorAugust 29, 2024Chandru Lachmandas Raheja, an eminent Indian billionaire businessman, stands as a towering figure in the Indian real estate and retail sectors. As the...
CEO India EditorAugust 28, 2024